Small Pet Education Blog > OG Customer Award Winner
10 Year Anniversary Awards Time!
As we begin to wrap up our Celebration of our 10 Year Anniversary, we wanted to give away five different awards that encompass not only who Rabbit Hole Hay is, but also who our customers are!
We'll be showcasing our Award Winners through "Meet the Winner/Customer Spotlight" interviews here on our blog. This way you can learn about our award winners and hear their stories!
The OG Customer Award is hereby granted to Renee Ayer and her bun Sir Walter Freckleton for being Rabbit Hole Hay's very first customer in January of 2013! (spoiler: he's still a customer!)
Enjoy reading and getting to know Renee, Sir Walter Freckleton, and Lena Bobena!
Q. How Did You Hear About Rabbit Hole Hay?
I knew you were going to ask us this! I was talking with my husband earlier and we were trying to figure it out, but since it was over 10 years ago neither of us really remembers. I think I more than likely found you guys on a Google search or something similar.
Q. Tell Us About Your Small Pets!
When we first started getting hay, I believe we had two bunnies. We ended up with five rabbits for a long time. Now we are down to two again as the others have since passed. Yet, Sir Walter Freckleton was there in the beginning, and he's still with us, and his partner, Lena Bobena, is our other rabbit.
We rescued Walter in January of 2013, but he was born in the fall before that so he is 10 years old now. While we know he is a big lop, we aren't exactly sure the specific type. Lena we caught in our backyard in 2016.
When we caught her my friends were like, "Are you sure that's not a wild rabbit?" We were sure, we just aren't sure what type of rabbit she is. Lena came to us full-grown so we while we aren't sure how old she is we've had her for 6 years so our guess is she's about 7 now.
Q. What Is Their Favorite?
Food? Bananas
Activity? Walter likes to chew boxes and Lena likes to hide, she's really a skittish bunny.
Rabbit Hole Hay Product? First Cut Timothy Hay...well now they call it Coarse Timothy Hay. We've stuck to this cut of hay as they always get excited for it so why change? We've give them other kinds of hay sometimes, but the First Cut is the hay they like the best.
Q. What Does Your Daily Routine With Your Rabbits Look Like?
They are both old now, so they both take gabapentin for arthritis pain. Typically we get up and feed them and give them their medicine and they do a little dance for their pellets in the morning. We generally both have work stuff during the day and so they will do their own rabbity things, nap and chew toys and hang out. In the evening, we let them out of the pen and they run around in the living room and we give them their dinner and some greens and some gabapentin. Then they tend to settle down sometime later in the night and we lock them back into their pen and go to bed.
Their pen is huge, it's ridiculous. At some point in the night they'll usually just head into their pen and before we go to bed we make sure they are good before closing their pen up.
Q. Do You Have Any Advice Or Tips For A New Small Pet Owner?
Advice or tips? I have tons, but really just be patient with them. They have their own personality and they're usually scared in a new place, so they take a while to show you who they are and they might not be who you expected.