Reasons Why Your Rabbit Seems To Chew On Everything
If you are new to the rabbit world, be prepared! It's common that all rabbits enjoy chewing on things around the house - chairs, beds, baseboards, and rugs - anything within eyesight. Even though it may be common knowledge, it's important to understand the reasons why your rabbit has a constant need to chew on something. In knowing the "why" behind the chewing you just might be able to keep your little one from destroying the furniture in the future.
Click Here For a Guide to Understanding Your Rabbits Diet.

Learning proper rabbit care is an ongoing job as new things will always come up, but especially because rabbits grow up so fast. Rabbit's teeth are constantly growing so it's vital for them to keep trimming down their teeth by chewing on something.
It's an ingrained instinct, but also important when it comes to keeping their teeth in good dental health. In most cases, your rabbit is chewing because of psychological or environmental reasons.
Psychological Reasons
A rabbit’s personality can have a strong impact on whether or not he or she chews on objects other than food. Rabbits that seem to enjoy chewing on objects are also known to be outgoing, affectionate, intelligent, and wanting attention. If you notice that they chew to get attention then the House Rabbit Society suggests getting a companion mate for your rabbit to keep him or her occupied if you are not able to play with them as much as you would like.
Your rabbit’s gender could also provide reason for him or her to chew. It has been said that female rabbits are more into chewing objects than male rabbits. As soon as rabbits hit maturity, it is important to get them spayed or neutered. This may cut down on your rabbit’s tendencies to chew on objects around the house and it might also help to calm your rabbit down. After you get them spayed/neutered it becomes a waiting game as their desire to chew will lessen with maturity.
Environmental Reasons
Do you keep your rabbit in a cage? This is a great way to buy time in order to rabbit proof your house, but it is not advised to keep a bunny locked up throughout his or her whole life. It might be beneficial to keep your bunny confined in a room when you have it spayed or neutered or if you have a job that involves you being gone for long hours during the day, but it is critical that you let your rabbit out for a while during the day to get some exercise. Give them something to focus their chewing on, such as hay or cardboard box filled with hay.
Do you keep your rabbit outside at night, locked up in a cage? Be aware of the affect this could have on your rabbit, especially in the cold winter months. Providing a blanket to put over your rabbit’s cage can help to keep your rabbit warmer, but there are better alternatives to keeping your rabbit comfortable at night. Make sure that your rabbit will not freeze and take your rabbit inside during the winter season. Your rabbit should never be left outside if you live in an area that frequently snows or has harsh weather conditions.
Toys to Chew
It's a good idea to provide your rabbit with toys and objects to distract him or her from chewing unwanted items. Rabbit need to be kept entertained, whether that is with you playing with them or for them to have objects they can enjoy. There are a number of amazing alternatives that you can provide your rabbit to keep them away from your nice furniture.
Understanding how to care for your rabbit and why he or she constantly chews on random objects is very important. Be aware of the different psychological and environmental reasons that could be effecting your rabbit's chewing and provide them with an array of toys to keep them happy and healthy throughout their life.
The best thing to give your rabbit to chew on is high quality hay or apple sticks. We want your rabbit to stay happy and healthy and for you to stop worrying about the condition of your home. You can choose from our Coarse Timothy Hay, Medium Timothy Hay, Coarse Orchard Grass or our All Natural Apple Sticks! All of them will help to entertain your little one and give them something to chew on besides your furniture.

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