Rabbit Hole Hay's Blog

Allergies: What Are Rabbits Sensitive To?

Have you ever asked yourself, "What are rabbits sensitive to?"

With Timothy Hay being the crucial part of a rabbit’s diet, having a rabbit that is allergic to hay can be a scary thought. Fortunately they might actually be allergic to something else that can be solved! If your pet is experiencing sneezing or suffering from watery eyes, then you should investigate the environment around your bunny.

Rabbit with large ears in a grassy field.

Are Rabbits Sensitive to Hay?

If your rabbit spends lots of time in the a hutch check to see if the ventilation within the hutch is low. Poor quality hay or bedding can cause watery eyes and sneezing. This type of hay is dusty and is inevitably going to give your little bun some type of reaction.

Types of Hay To Feed Your Rabbit

For healthy rabbits, at least 80% of their diet should include farm fresh, nutritious hay. Now it when choosing the type of hay to feed your rabbit, did you know that there are multiple types of hay? You can choose from Timothy Hay, Alfalfa Hay, Orchard Grass, or Mountain Grass. Not only does the texture vary between each type, but also the levels of fiber, protein, and calcium content making the age of your rabbit a deciding factor in what type you feed them.

If your rabbit is 7 months old or younger, then they should be fed Alfalfa Hay. Alfalfa Hay is high in fiber, protein, and calcium. It gives young rabbits the necessary nutrients to help them grow, gain proper weight, and stay healthy and strong.

If your rabbit is older than 7 months, then they should be fed Timothy Hay, Orchard or Mountain Grass. The high protein and calcium content in Alfalfa Hay makes a rabbit overweight which can shorten their lifespan. It's also been found that urinary tract infections are common among older rabbits that are being fed Alfalfa Hay. Timothy Hay, Orchard Grass, and Mountain Grass all allow for your rabbit to have the right amount of nutrients (high fiber, low protein and calcium) that keep their digestive system working properly without the fear of giving them to much (they won't gain weight with these hays).

Yet, if you find that when feeding them high-quality Timothy Hay there is still a problem and you've ruled out all other possibilities your little bun may be allergic to Timothy. No need to worry about how to get them all the nutrients they need, just switch them over to Orchard Grass. Orchard Grass has all the important nutrients they need and we've seen that bunnies that are allergic to Timothy Hay are less allergic to Orchard Grass.

Other food that is being fed to your rabbit – like pellets, vegetables, or other treats – might make them irritated too. Just like humans are sensitive to some foods, our pets can be too. It does take time to figure out which food is the problem. With food allergies, the biggest symptom is irritated skin. This causes the rabbit to constantly scratch which leads to fur loss.

Are Rabbits Sensitive to Bedding?

Your rabbit could also be allergic to their bedding. If the bedding is soiled and isn’t cleaned and replaced frequently, allergy symptoms may occur in rabbits. This creates a build-up of ammonia that irritates rabbits. The bedding itself, even unsoiled, may be upsetting your rabbit. Change the bedding, and you can see changes in the symptoms immediately or days later.

Are Rabbits Sensitive to Sickness?

Sneezing, watery eyes, and a white discharge can be caused by pasturella, tooth problems, and snuffles. Pasturella is an infection that can be stopped or slowed down with antibiotics. Snuffles are a common word used for having an upper respiratory disease. Oral health is important to pay attention to as well. All three of these are serious and shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you think that any of these problems are the reason why your rabbit is suffering, then go to the vet.

Are Rabbits Sensitive to Environment?

Rabbits are sensitive creatures, and that includes their sense of smell. There are irritants that are common within homes that owners can try to change or eliminate. They include:

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Freshener sprays (both for air and carpet)
  • Carpet cleaning products
  • Fireplace fumes
  • Other strong and powerful scents

Keeping your rabbit in a well-ventilated area is also important to make sure that your rabbit isn’t irritated. Fans, opening windows, and other similar actions should be taken when you notice that there is an irritation or a smell that could potentially harm your rabbit.

If you think your rabbit has allergies, check the type and quality of Timothy Hay your rabbit is eating, then look for other factors in the environment your rabbit is being exposed to. Rabbits are wonderful animals that can make great pets if you take care of them. They are very sensitive and need extra attention to keep them happy and healthy.

To learn all about the different hays you can give your rabbit, download our Hay is for Rabbits eBook. You'll also get more information about what to feed your rabbit depending on their age, and more!