Could My Rabbit Be Allergic to The Grass Hays?
Rabbits are rarely allergic to Timothy Hay, however, it is possible. More often they are displaying symptoms of being allergic to something else. We’ll discuss a few of the other things that they might be allergic to. Yeah... but...could my rabbit be allergic to the grass hays, like Timothy Hay and Orchard Grass or Mountain Grass? If they are we will tell you what you can do if they are allergic to grass hays.
Click Here For a Guide to Understanding Your Rabbits Diet.

My rabbit's sneezing must be because they are allergic to hay, right? Wait, most often rabbits that are displaying sneezing, watery eyes and general allergic symptoms are due to one of the following reasons...
Wood Shavings Used In Their Bedding
This is the most common issue. If you have recently switched bedding for your rabbit you might want to change back. Most of the time removing the shavings will clear up the symptoms within a day or two.
If you don't want to go back to your old bedding, try our Ultra Premium Food Grade Bedding, which is ultra absorbent and 99.9% dust free!
Medical Issues
Tooth issues, snuffles/Pasteurella.
All of these can cause sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and have other significant consequences which need to be checked out by a medical professional as soon as possible.
Lack Of Air Movement In Their Hutch
Build-up of ammonia from their urine, dust build up, and other unclean living environments can certainly contribute to sneezing. Make sure you are cleaning your hutch out regularly and that there is a way for air to circulate.
If you haven't set up your rabbit home yet and are looking for the best option for your rabbit, check out this post to learn about cages, hutches, and sheds!
Dust is the largest contributor to a rabbit exhibiting signs of allergies. Hay is grown outdoors in fields and is harvested with large equipment, and then stored in barns. All of these environments are dusty.
Occasionally the level of dust in the hay is too much and can contribute to an allergic reaction. If this is your rabbit’s first sign of allergies call your hay supplier and ask if they can send you another sample of hay to test. Switch suppliers if they won’t do this for you. If you bought your hay at a big box store take it back and then buy your hay online from someone you can have a relationship with.
At Rabbit Hole Hay we are proud to say that our hay is dust free, but sometimes things happen as hay is a natural product. If you've experienced dust in your hay, let us know and we'll see what we can do for you! We want to make sure you and your pet satisfied with our product.
What If My Bunny Is Allergic To Timothy Hay?
If your rabbit is really allergic to Timothy Hay your best bet is to switch to Orchard Grass. This is completely different from Timothy Hay, but it has similar nutrients. A few things to note:
Ultra Premium Coarse Orchard Grass
Coarse Orchard Grass is high in fiber and low in both protein and calcium, which will keep your rabbit's digestive regular and functioning properly. The larger seed heads, leaves, and stems (making it similar to First Cut Timothy), give it the perfect amount of roughage that is needed to keep their teeth in good dental health.
Ultra Premium Soft Orchard Grass
Soft Orchard Grass is the softest hay we offer and while it holds all the necessary nutrients to keep their digestion system healthy it lacks the coarse fiber needed to maintain their teeth. If you switch to Soft Orchard Grass just make sure that you let your veterinarian know so they can keep an eye on their teeth. We also suggest adding in some Apple Chew Sticks to keep their teeth in good dental health (bonus: it keeps them entertained!).
Your rabbit's diet should be at least 80% grass hay. To help you pick the best hay for your rabbit you can download our Hay is for Rabbits eBook. You'll learn all about the different types of hay, the best ones to feed your rabbit based on their age, and more!

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