Can My Rabbit Eat Grass? Do's and Don'ts of Eating Grass
As a bunny owner, you probably know by now that your little beloved bun has a sensitive stomach that requires you to pay attention to what you feed them, as well as what they are or aren't eating. But can your rabbit eat grass? Learn the do's and don’ts of feeding grass to your rabbit.
Click Here For a Guide to Understanding Your Rabbits Diet.

When you let your rabbit outside to roam around, make sure that you are watching what they are eating and have access to.
If you have clean grass that is pesticide free then it's healthy for your rabbit and you can have them eat it whenever they feel like munching on it.
Like other food that you feed your rabbit, begin to introduce the grass into their diet slowly. If you see that they aren't eating the grass or if the grass has given them an upset stomach stop feeding it to them immediately.
If you find that your rabbit enjoys eating grass, you can also give it to them as a treat. All you need to do is clip some grass and keep it in an easy to access place for either your rabbit or for you to give it to them in small handfuls throughout the day.
Do not let your rabbit roam free if you use pesticides or any type of plant or insect killer. Your rabbit has a sensitive stomach and can easily get sick and die from consuming something that has it. Also do not let your rabbit feed on clippings from a lawn mower. The heat can begin the fermenting of the grass which can cause your rabbit to get sick.
Do not replace your rabbit’s Timothy Hay (or other grass hays) with plain grass. You should have your rabbit eat hay every day. Timothy Hay is high in fiber which helps with digestive health. Since a rabbit’s teeth are constantly growing, the chewing of the hay helps grind down their teeth, which keeps them at a healthy length. Keep Timothy Hay in your rabbit’s daily diet. You may add clean cut grass to their diet, but do not replace the hay with the grass.
Wondering what the best rabbit food is? Or maybe just asking the question of what rabbits can eat? Download out Hay is for Rabbits eBook and learn what to feed your rabbit and the importance of feeding them fresh, quality hay.

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