Small Pet Education Blog > Best Small Pocket Pets for Kids
Best Small Pocket Pets for Kids
Written by The Rabbit Hole Hay Team
Pets and children can very much get along when they’re taught how to care for and respect animals and how to be reasonable pet owners. The key is making sure the right pet and the right child are matched together and given everything they need to have a successful long-lasting relationship. The following are some of the common small pets that can be great for children, both in terms of their care and what they can teach children about owning and being responsible for a living creature.
Pets and children can very much get along when they’re taught how to care for and respect animals and how to be reasonable pet owners. The key is making sure the right pet and the right child are matched together and given everything they need to have a successful long-lasting relationship. The following are some of the common small pets that can be great for children, both in terms of their care and what they can teach children about owning and being responsible for a living creature.
A popular animal for children, rabbits are great additions to any family. Most are small, with several dwarf species easily available as well. Make sure that you give them space to explore and live in, that they’re provided with safe enrichment toys to chew on, and are fed high quality food, they can make wonderful pets that can live many years.
Perhaps the most common pocket pet for children, a hamster, is also many children’s first introduction to caring for a living creature. Making sure they have the space needed to roam and complete their favorite actives makes for a happier and healthier hamster! Yet, they do require less extraneous care such as grooming or exercise. Simple enrichment toys and hard foods to help with their teeth are easy ways to ensure they stay healthy and happy. With good handling and proper care your child can love and learn how to care for a pet of their own.
Guinea Pigs
Another popular first-time pet for a family with small children and limited space, guinea pigs offer a slightly more advanced care routine that teaches children responsibility and proper animal care. Here is the recommended space need. They love to be social and hang out with other piggies or people. They can also become somewhat used to handling when it’s done properly and with good adult supervision. When given the right food and care these pocket pets can become wonderful additions to a child’s life.
Not a common beginner pet, but the chinchilla is still a good example of a small pet that can be good for children. They need slightly more advanced care and specialized food and habitat but are still a small pet that’s a good choice for families with smaller homes or apartments. Keeping these animals safe and happy is a rewarding experience and is easier with high quality food and enrichment items from small pet supply experts in your area.
The final small pet that is commonly considered a good pet for children is a rat. Unlike their wild relatives, these animals have been bred to be gentle and friendly to humans, which make them a fun and easy pet to add to the family. High quality foods is crucial for them to live long and happy lives. They also need enrichment toys to keep their teeth worn down. It's known even known that some rats can be taught tricks and can be very dog or cat like in their behavior when they are used to being around their owners.
If you’re looking to add a new pet to the family and want something your younger children can have their first pet-care experience with, these five pocket pets are great options to consider. They’re easy to find high quality habitats, food, and enrichment items for, and each one has unique features and attributes that can make it a great addition to a child’s experience growing up!
Important Disclaimer: Its crucial parents don’t just give a small pocket pet to a child and leave all the care in their little hands. Until you're confident they can handle the full responsibility, you should be there for each step along the way. This way you can make sure they are feeding and watering your new family member properly so that your small pet doesn’t endure neglect in any way. It's easy for children to forget tasks they need to complete, so creating a chart for feeding, exercise, play time, etc, can be extremely helpful in making sure your new family member is being properly cared for. Lastly, check in with your child regularly to make sure they are completing everything in order to keep their small pocket pet happy and healthy.