What Do You Feed Baby Rabbits and How?
If your momma rabbit isn’t feeding her babies, this is a problem that you need to address quickly.
Click Here For a Guide to Feeding Your Baby Rabbits.
In the excitement of your rabbit having babies, it is easy to think that the mommy rabbit isn’t feeding her babies because you don't always see it actually happening. It's important that you know how to check to see if they are being fed before you dive into what you need to feed them and how to take care of them.

How Can I Tell If My Baby Rabbit Is Being Fed?
It is important to know that the food baby rabbits eat - their mother's milk - is so rich in nutrients and is so filling that they only need to eat twice a day. The babies should be warm and have a plump tummy showing that they are full or have been fed. If the babies aren’t being fed, you must know how to properly feed them to increase their chances of survival.
What Do Baby Bunnies Eat?
If you determine that the baby bunnies aren't being fed, it's time you take over their care. They should be fed Kitten Milk Replacer (KMR) and adding acidophilus. There are different recipes that you can find online that include goats milk, egg and other ingredients. This is what mybunny.org recommends in terms of amounts that you feed your baby bunny depending on their age:
Newborn: 5 cc KMR and 1/2 cc Acidophilus
1 Week: 10-15 cc KMR and 1/2 cc Acidophilus
2 Weeks: 26-30 cc KMR and 1 cc Acidophilus
3 & 4 Weeks, until weaned (you may wean at 4 weeks of age): 30 cc KMR and 1 cc Acidophilus
Need to know what a wild baby rabbit eats? Click here to read as it is different than for your domestic baby rabbit!
How Do I Feed My Baby Rabbit?
First, put the rabbit in your hand laying down. Fill the eye dropper or oral syringe with the milk. Begin feeding the baby then twist your arm a little so the baby is almost vertical. This will help the baby swallow the milk, not inhale it. Don’t force the baby to eat at your pace. This can cause the baby to suffocate if the milk goes into the baby’s lungs. Be patient and let the baby bunny take her time.
After every feeding, it is important to make the babies go to the bathroom. This is normally done by the mother after she knows that baby has been fed. Because you are doing the feeding, the mother won’t always know to stimulate the baby. So you will make this a ritual after you feed her. You do this by taking a damp cotton ball or soft cloth and gently stroke between their front legs to the anal area. This will help stimulate the baby to defecate and urinate. Don’t be alarmed when the stool is soft and has a yellow-green color. This is normal.
After feeding the baby the milk for four weeks, you will start weaning them on a diet that consists of Alfalfa Hay. Hay is a crucial part of a rabbit’s diet and health. Knowing about Alfalfa Hay and Timothy Hay are basics of caring for your rabbit.
For more information about feeding you baby bunnies download our Human's Guide to Feeding Baby Rabbits. You'll learn how to observe if momma is feeding them, feeding techniques, have a feeding schedule once they hit 4 weeks, and more!

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