Question of the Day: What Do Rabbits Eat?
If you are thinking about getting a pet rabbit, or already have a pet rabbit, you might have the question, "What do rabbits eat?" Since rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, it is important for you to know what you should and shouldn’t feed your rabbit. Check out this list of things that your rabbit must eat in order to stay healthy and strong.
Click Here For a Guide to Understanding Your Rabbits Diet.

What Should Rabbits Eat The Most Of?
The majority (80-85%) of your adult rabbit’s diet should be grass hay.
What Do Rabbits Drink?
Keeping your bunny hydrated with water is crucial. If rabbits get dehydrated, this can cause a loss of appetite and/or diarrhea. This can be deadly for rabbits. To prevent this, give your rabbit access to cool, clean and fresh water 24/7. If you notice that your rabbit isn’t drinking from her bowl, try giving her water in a bottle. And visa-versa if your rabbit isn’t drink from her bottle, then try water from a bowl. Your little bun can be picky but make it a priority to get her drinking water again. If you think she is dehydrated, take your rabbit to the vet immediately.
What Other Food Can Rabbits Eat?
Along with the large amount of high quality hay you feed your rabbit, they will also love for you to add a little variety to it. When feeding your rabbit something other than hay make sure that you check how much is appropriate to give them. It's also important to note that no matter what you give them, even if it has some hay mixed in, nothing should replace the 80-85% grass hay they need to be fed.
You can feed your rabbit good quality pellets. The best type of pellets to give your rabbit is one that is Timothy Hay based along with a few other added nutrients that they need, but make sure it doesn't have dried fruit and cereal fillers. You can also give them an Alfalfa Hay based pellet as a tasty treat!
What Should Rabbits Eat The Least Of?
Fruits and Vegetables can be a little bit tricky and can take some time to find out what your rabbit will like and digest well. Certain fruits and vegetables are high in sugars, carbohydrates and other things that can cause obesity and constipation. It is important to know what fruits and vegetables your rabbit can and can’t eat. Give them in moderation and as a treat for your rabbit. Click here for a list of safe fruits, veggies, and herbs to see if your rabbit likes them.
Now that you know the answer to what do rabbits eat, it's time to look at what you are feeding your rabbit currently and make a change if needed! Go to the store and buy the right pellets, fruits and vegetables and periodically check their water.
Know what type of hay to purchase for your little one? Find it in our store and get it shipped straight to your door! If you still aren't sure what kind of grass hay to feed your rabbit you can download our Hay is for Rabbits eBook below. You'll learn all about the different types of hay, the best ones to feed your rabbit based on their age, allergies, and more!

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