Rabbit Hole Hay's Blog

What is Splay Leg in Rabbits?

Just like humans, some rabbits are born with disabilities. The type of disabilities that rabbit’s are born with can range. Today we are going to talk about splayed leg/splayed legs in rabbits. What are splayed legs? What does it mean for your rabbit? How can you help? What to do with splayed legs in bunny? All of these questions will be answered.

What is Splay Leg?

Splay leg is a physical disability that some rabbits are born with in which the front legs, hind legs or all four legs splay out to the side of their body. The legs are often out to the side at a 45 to 90 degree angle. For example, it looks similar to a seal’s flippers.

What Causes Splay Leg in Rabbits?

Splay leg is inherited from the rabbit’s parents. It often shows up right at birth or a few weeks after birth. However, splay leg can also be caused by certain environmental factors. Slippery flooring can cause already weak joints and tissues to break down even more, resulting in splay legs. Also, but very seldom, splay leg can be caused by an accident, injury or trauma.

TIP: It is always important to have rugs around your home if you have wood or laminate flooring so that your rabbit can get a grip with its feet. Having slick surfaces around your home, with no other surfaces can put your rabbit at risk for developing splay leg if they already have weak joints.

What Are The Symptoms of Splay Leg?

Splay leg is something that is pretty easy to detect in your pet rabbit. Right off the bat you’ll be able to see that something just isn’t normal. You'll see this by either a limb being out to the side of its body or that it doesn’t hop like a normal rabbit does. Rabbits with splayed leg typically get around by flopping or wiggling.

Rabbits with splay leg need special treatment. While they may have a disability they can live a long, happy life with the right rabbit care. So far, there is no medical cure for splayed leg rabbits, however, there are numerous actions you can take as the pet owner.

Rabbit's with splay leg can still live a happy life. The video below is proof!

How Do You Treat Splay Leg?

Posted by Disabled Rabbits

There is no definitive medical treatment for splay leg. However, splay leg can sometimes be improved through the use of braces on the affected legs (in cases of bilateral splay leg). Here is a link for more information on splay leg bracing from Dana Krempels: Splay Leg Bracing

Bracing can be successful, particularly in young rabbits who are born with or develop the condition early. Talk with your vet about braces or other corrective options that may be available. In some cases, amputation may be considered. This is more common when only one leg is splayed and when that leg hinders normal movement. The decision to amputate should be decided on a case-by-case basis, and your vet can help you decide if it is the right decision for your rabbit.

*Do not brace splay legs without the approval and guidance of a rabbit-savvy veterinarian.

Supportive Care

Rabbits with splay leg will have some special care needs beyond those of a "normal" rabbit.

  • Splay leg rabbits will need a soft, padded enclosure to support their legs and reduce friction against the lower-moving areas of their body. Line their enclosure with towels or a layer of fleece or sherpa fabric.

  • If your enclosure has bars or cubes along the sides, line the sides with rolled towels or crib liners to prevent your rabbit's legs from getting caught.

[To read the rest of the supportive care tips, read the original article]

For more information on symptoms to watch out for when it comes to your rabbit or items you should keep on hand for a rabbit first aid kit download our Rabbit Starter Kit!