Rabbit Hole Hay's Blog

4 Rabbit Food Myths You Should Never Believe

The care and feeding of your rabbit should be very easy. If you feel like feeding your rabbit is complicated, then you probably believe at least some of the following myths. Many of these myths are so deeply ingrained in us that is has taken a lot of cross referencing and double checking to get our facts straight. We have done all the work for you and made this as simple as we can. Hopefully this will dispel any myths and will allow you and your rabbit to have an even better relationship.

Rabbits eating a carrot.

Myth #1: Rabbits Like Humans Need Diversity In Their Diets

As pet owners we are often guilty of treating our rabbits like humans, or applying human characteristics to them. We talk to them and see all of their expressions as meaning the same as if they were human. While this is rarely harmful, and almost always adds to our enjoyment of our little furry friends, the one area we need to avoid this most is in assuming that our pets need to change up their diets so they don’t get bored with their food.

Your rabbit does not think about, or more specifically, feel about food the same way you do. The only kind of rabbit food your pet really needs is a consistent diet of hay and some small and consistent treats. In fact, your rabbit should have a diet that is at least 80% grass hay!

If you are looking for the freshest hay look no further than our store! We are located in Northern California, the heart of hay country. Most of the premier hay for small pets comes from this region in the Northwest United States. Once you order, your hay will be delivered to straight to you door making feeding your rabbit simple and easy. Over complicating your rabbit's diet can be disastrous to their sensitive digestive system and it really only makes you feel better. Don't allow you or rabbit to be the victim of this myth!

Myth #2: Lettuce is a Great Choice For Your Rabbit

Be very careful with this one. Many types of lettuce (iceberg in particular) contain lactucarium. Lactucarium is a milky fluid that secrets from certain species of lettuce and is known as lettuce opium because of its sedative properties. Rabbits have a much more sensitive digestive system than humans do. They cannot process this as well, especially when it is consumed in a regularly consistent diet.

Myth #3: Bugs Bunny Ate Carrots All The Time, So My Rabbit Should Too, “What’s Up Doc?”

Carrots can be a great treat, especially with the greens still attached. However this cannot be your pet’s only source of nutrition, and should make up less than 10-15% of their diet. Leafy greens should make up the bulk of your rabbit’s fresh diet, so make sure you’re leaving the greens on.

Myth #4: Pellets Are A Great Everyday Rabbit Food, The Packaging Says So

Terminology like “Essential,” “Complete,” and “Vital” are marketing words that should raise your eyebrows (all of which I have noticed on packaged rabbit pellets). Rabbits have and still live in the wild without all these “essential” pellets. Rabbit pellets are the junk food of the pet world. Be extremely cautious if feeding them to your rabbit no matter what the packaging says.

We aren't saying that you can't give your rabbit pellets, we're just saying that you should only give them a small amount each day along with their hay. It's safer to think of pellets as a type of treat you can give to your rabbit as it is made up of a bunch of ingredients with only a small percentage being hay.

This is not an exhaustive list or definitive guide to dispelling all rabbit food myths, nor is it everything you need to know about rabbit nutrition, but it is a very good start. One which should help you feel more at ease with your rabbit. Keep it simple, your rabbit will thank you.

Mark Twain once said: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so."

Now that we've expelled those myths, it's time to get the only food your rabbit really needs. GRASS HAY! If you know what type of hay you want go to our store and shop away! Not sure what type of hay? Download our Hay is for Rabbits ebook below and learn all about the 7 different types, their health benefits, and more!