Rabbit Hole Hay's Blog

8 Proven Steps To Keeping The Hop In Your Rabbit

Though every bunny is different in their needs, there are certain necessities that no rabbit should go without. The well-being of your rabbit starts with you. Be sure that you provide the right rabbit care for the small pet whose life depends on you.

Here are some key steps in how to care for your pet rabbit(s):

1. Educate Yourself

Doing your homework can be the difference between a healthy rabbit and one who is suffering greatly. Understanding the basics, such as, what type of hay to feed your rabbit, warning signs of a sick rabbit and how to keep your rabbit entertained are the start of all there is to know about rabbit care and taking care of a bunny. The more you learn, the better off your rabbit will be. Rabbit Hole Hay is a great resource for learning how to care for pet rabbits as well as a great place to buy hay online.

2. Food

Are you aware that your rabbit should be eating hay? Unlimited amounts of fresh Timothy Hay should be offered to an adult rabbit daily in order to make up about 80 percent of his diet. If your bunny is younger than seven months, Alfalfa Hay should be fed to him each day. Transitioning your rabbit’s diet to Timothy Hay becomes crucial at around seven months in order to provide the necessary fiber and nutrients for healthy living. When you buy hay online it is quick and convenient. Rabbit Hole Hay sells fresh Timothy Hay, Alfalfa Hay, and other grass hays that will arrive right at your doorstep.

3. Space

With those long legs, it shouldn’t come as any surprise that your rabbit needs space to allow them to move around. Contrary to popular belief, rabbits do not belong in cages. In order be comfortable, your rabbit needs the freedom to lie down, stretch and walk around at their leisure. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily need to allow your bunny to roam free around the house as he pleases, but trapping him in a tiny, restricted area is a sign of poor rabbit care. Taking care of a bunny properly means you must have space!

4. Attention

A great way to show your rabbit that you care is to spend quality time with them. Rabbits need interaction with you in order to be their happy self. As a part of the family it's important to include them as such. You don't need to quite your job and spend all day with your rabbit, but don't forget that they are living beings who need your love to thrive!

5. Bonding

If your rabbit doesn’t seem satisfied with your human presence alone, perhaps they need a friend of they own species. As long as the responsibility of multiple rabbits is in your realm, perhaps think about bonding your rabbit with a playmate.

6. Comfort

Part of proper rabbit care is just keeping your rabbit comfortable, which mostly includes factors in maintaining their environment. Their feelings of safety, temperature, cleanliness and handling are all very much in your control. Be sure to observe your rabbit’s behavior and make changes to their environment accordingly.

7. Entertainment

Your rabbit has the need to exercise their brain. There are many fun ways to keep your rabbit amused such as offering them toys and things to climb on. You don’t need to spend a fortune to excite your rabbit. In fact, you can build your rabbit a cardboard castle or even let them play in their hay. When you buy hay online from Rabbit Hole Hay you’re not only providing a nutritional diet, but something that will amuse your bunny too.

8. Health

Many aspects go into keeping your rabbit’s health in check. Keeping up on vaccinations, getting your rabbit fixed and grooming them regularly are all important in maintaining proper health providing proper rabbit care. If you are consistently practicing the eight steps above, then you are providing healthy rabbit care for your pet. Keep it up and your furry friend will live a long, “hoppy” life.

To learn more about buying hay online click here!

Want to know about the other types of grass hay you can feed your rabbit? Download our Hay is for Rabbits eBook below and you'll learn all about the different types of hay, the best ones to feed your rabbit based on their age, allergies, and more!