Rabbit Hole Hay's Blog

Best Ways to Get Your Rabbits to Bond Together

There are certain traits your rabbits should share in order to facilitate the bonding process. They should be around the same age to ensure that there is not a large gap in their activity levels. They should also be of similar breeds and both in good health. Like people, the more compatible rabbits, the more likely they are to bond.

Make Sure the Rabbits are Spayed or Neutered

Rabbits that aren't spayed or neutered are very aggressive and not good candidates for bonding. Be sure to allow for six weeks after the procedure to bond your rabbits, as it takes that long for hormone levels to settle. The good news is that once they are spayed or neutered, male and female rabbits make for excellent bonding partners.

Make a Time Commitment

Successfully bonding your rabbits starts with you and your commitment in both time and energy to the bonding process. Until they are fully bonded, rabbits should never be left together unsupervised. A previously gently rabbit can turn aggressive when its territory is challenged, and an aggressive rabbit can do a lot of damage in a short time. Set aside at least 15-20 minutes each day to spend keeping a close eye on the bonding process. More is better and leads to quicker bonding.

Prepare Their Living Spaces

If rabbits feel that their territory is being invaded, their instinct will be to fight to protect their space. Start by putting your rabbits in separate cages or hutches that are near each other so they can get used to each other's presence and scent. Switch their bedding, water bowls and other objects so they get used to smelling each other.

Watch for Warning Signs During Face-to-Face Bonding Sessions

If your rabbits start to lift their tails or flatten their ears, it may be a sign that the bonding session is not going well and a fight is about to ensue. Also keep a close eye on ear or tail nipping, as these are signs of aggression that could lead to further harm. That being said, you should allow some chasing, nipping and swatting, as no bonding session will go perfectly. You can also expect mounting by either sex, as it is simply a sign of establishing dominance.

Protect Yourself

It is important that you protect yourself during bonding sessions with your rabbits, because if you are harmed it could affect your own behavior or willingness to participate in future sessions. Wear gloves, pants and long-sleeved shirts. Keep something like a tennis racket handy so you can separate the rabbits if they get carried away during a bonding session.

Signs That Bonding is Going Well

Certain behaviors by your rabbits tell you that you can extend their bonding sessions and they are closer to becoming family. Watch for these signs and keep up the good work!

Your Rabbits Ignore Each Other

While you may be begging them to play together in your mind, it is actually a good sign if your rabbits are ignoring each other. If they aren't interacting, they aren't fighting.

They Start to Play Together or Share Food

Rabbits chasing each other is perfectly normal, and some nipping is a sign that they are trying to get attention from the other. Sharing food or toys shows that your rabbits are starting to loosen their territorial boundaries. The key is not overreacting to signs of not getting along, while keeping a close eye on what could turn dangerous. A spray bottle of water will help break things up if they get out of hand.

Sleeping Together

When your rabbits start to sleep together it is a great sign that they trust each other and are starting to feel like family. You still need to keep a close eye on them, as something going bad in the relationship could happen quickly.

Grooming Each Other

You have reached bonding nirvana when your rabbits start to groom each other. It's one of the ways rabbits show love and that they have released their previous boundaries and have established a trusting relationship.

You have the best chances at bonding your rabbits by following the steps written above. Some bonding experiences will go extremely well, others will be unsure before deciding to be friends, and others no matter how much we hope bond just aren't compatible for one reason or another. Just make sure you keep an eye on them and trust your instincts.